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Need a rest after a day’s work? Looking for a cosy nest to spend your vacation in? Or simply want to live a new experience?  SAUTER ensures you a feeling of well-being wherever you go. We guarantee you optimal ambient conditions during your stay. From temperature and lighting regulation to the control of the blinds, we take care of everything. SAUTER offers you a total immersion for a revitalising experience.

Hotel Krønasår – The Museum Hotel, EuropaPark, Germany: SAUTER solutions ensure a perfect climate at all times

  • Capacity up to 1300 guests
  • 304 rooms and suites equipped with SAUTER ecos504 for a reliable and optimum room climate
  • 19 modulo 5 automation stations in energy processing
  • Conference rooms, restaurants, bars, guest rooms regulated with BACnet
  • Integration of third-party systems, such as weather station, Creston, fire protection technology
  • SAUTER Vision Center management and operating unit with connection to the hotel booking system

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Hyatt Place, Amsterdan, Netherlands : An oasis for modern nomads

  • At the top of the popularity ranking for Germany’s four- and five-star hotels
  • 330 comfortable rooms offering modern comfort and high tech in a single package
  • SAUTER novaPro Open makes a significant contribution to the energy efficiency
  • SAUTER EY-modulo automation stations
  • BACnet/IP and DALI communication standards
  • Unique room energy management system specially developed for Hyatt Place and Hyatt House

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Bell Rock, EuropaPark, Germany

  • Four-star superior hotel designed as a 35-metre-high lighthouse
  • 225 rooms fitted with a total of 268 automation stations and room controllers to control the air-conditioning
  • The general hotel areas have 79 automation stations in operation to automate the heating and cooling systems
  • All of the buildings in the ‘Bell Rock’ complex are equipped with the SAUTER novaPro Open

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Bergwelt Grindelwald, Switzerland

  • Apartment hotel with 90 rooms and a 800 m2 spa area
  • Seamlessly integrated automation solution with technology from a single source
  • Integrated automation based on the SAUTER modulo system family with BACnet
  • ecos504 room controllers
  • Building management using SAUTER Vision Center

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